Kidney stone is a solid mass of CRYSTALS. It is the process of crystallization which initiates the formation of kidney stones. This happens in nephrons or units of kidney. Once a small crystal is formed, it can both grow & unite with other crystals leading to the formation of small concretion which eventually forms a stone. Once these large crystals detach from the collecting ducts, the process of stone formation starts in the renal collecting system. A recurrent kidney stone former is advised to know a little bit about something known as Randall’s plaque. Alexander Randall discovered plaques on the renal papillae eight decades back based on examination of 1154 pairs of autopsied Kidneys. He described these renal papillary lesions as cream colored or milk patch areas composed of calcium phosphate & calcium carbonate. These plaques could act as NIDUS for formation of KIDNEY STONE. Calcium Oxalate stone can form on this nidus & then detaches from this plaque to become a free floating stone in the collecting system of kidney